Scholarship for Quality Education

At a glance…

An educated society is a progressive society. Our earnest desire is to take action by providing quality education for the teeming children in Africa so that they can move away from the darkness and gain a better understanding of the world. It is along this threshold that they can become beneficial both to themselves and society.


One out of five of the world’s out-of-school children is in Nigeria. In Nigeria alone, 10.5 million children aged 5-14 years are not in school. While it is a daunting challenge getting these children back to school, we definitely cannot sit back and watch the future of our land roam our streets. At SMOL Foundation, we have taken a stand. We are at the forefront of this problem by providing children from different communities in Africa the opportunity to access free quality education. Learn how you can be a partner with us to provide quality education for these children.


At SMOL Foundation, our response to the menace of out of school children is to take a community-based approach by leveraging on our platform to raise funds to offer scholarship programs to children across different communities in Nigeria and West African to enable them to access quality education. As novel as this cause may sound, it will collapse and fall on its back without your support

Get Involved

There are many ways to help our cause


Your donation will help us further our causes by providing free quality education for children, clean water for rural communities etc.


Hundreds of people across Nigeria are crucial in helping us change and touch lives across communities in Nigeria and Africa.